We are CELEBRATING our 2nd year...with you!
•Posted on July 13 2020

We have made it through our first 2 years!! Phew! And obviously we could have not done it without you! THANK YOU for allowing us to become part of your lives and “inviting” us into your homes!
We thought our first year was quite the ride…little did we know what 2020 had in store for us! Despite the challenges that 2020 has brought we remain confident that this too shall pass and together we will get through this too! We are super grateful for your continued lovely messages and supporting reviews.They mean the world to us and keep us going! We truly owe our success during this 2nd year entirely to you! Thank you for being part of our journey! We want to make it equally rewarding to you by offering the best possible service and selection of sustainable Nordic designs that bring you joy every day!
We continue to love our new hometown, nestled in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range and it continues to amaze and inspire us every day! We are forever grateful and send you our HEARTFELT thanks!
Thank you for being here and sharing with me the joy in exploring my Scandinavian roots. I love your beautiful items which bring more hygge into my home!